The past is a lesson. The present is a gift. The future is motivation.

Much of our work with clients — from therapeutic theory to therapy technique — is initially an exploration of how what they've gone through in life has impacted them and aided in the development of behavioral, emotional, and/or relational strategies that may no longer be helpful.

We learn from the past as part of the therapeutic process, but we do not dwell there — our goal in therapy is always to help clients engage full lives in the present and find hope for their future.

Core Values

These are the principles that guide and motivate our every decision — as a business and as practitioners:


We want to provide expert and informed services to all our clients. As a result, our clinicians invest regularly in continuing education — researching, connecting professionally, and attending workshops that keep us abreast of the latest news, interventions and information available regarding mental health. Additionally, our clinicians place a priority on self-care, practicing what we teach to ensure we are able to bring our best selves to the work of helping others.


We value relationships, inside and outside of the office. We believe that no man (or woman, or person) is an island and, as a result, strategic relationships are necessary for change to occur. If clients are amendable, we eagerly partner with medical professionals, family members, school personnel, friends and other clinicians (inside and outside the office) to create dynamic and effective treatment plans.


We broach all our work with a desire to understand and to help our clients understand who they are and why they're hurting. Our clients are not problems to be solved, but people living dynamic and important stories. Before even diagnosis or symptom management, we are genuinely interested in getting to know our clients and the perspective from which they approach life.


We see what is, but we have energy around what's next — for our clients, for our office and for the world. We've seen and heard hard things, but we've also seen the beauty that can come from ashes. So, we trust that change is possible, that better is around the corner, and we lean heavily into that truth when working with clients to conceive and follow through with goals.


We acknowledge that mental health effects and is regularly influenced by every other part of life. People are complex, as are the problems that bring them into therapy. We honor that. As a result, therapy assessment and treatment takes the whole person into account — physically, spiritually, relationally, emotionally and cognitively. 


We believe it's a privilege to hear and be invited into our clients' stories. As a result, we strive to be the kind of people and create the kind of environment that feels trustworthy and safe. Our lobby and offices are strategically warm and comfortable — like living rooms instead of doctor's offices. In practice, we are clinically minded but decidedly conversational.